Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Walking Ten Miles Today

Jen and I are meeting up with Missy Ward tonight to walk ten miles. I think this will be a good test if we are on track with the training or not.

I am guessing that it will take us around 3-3.5 hours to walk the full ten miles. Missy has ten miles mapped out for us. We will be walking well in to the darkness this evening.

I will have my pedometer on so I can see how many steps we take. It is a little more than 2,000 steps per mile. We will end up with over 20,000 steps for the night in addition to how many we accumulate during the day.

I love this new pedometer. I wear it everywhere. It love that I can put it in my purse or in my pocket and it still counts my steps. I don't have to worry about it falling off my belt.

I will post pictures and/or video tomorrow from our walk.

1 comment:

jennyonthespot said...

Wow! I hope it went well... what a goal!