Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Training for the 60 Mile Walk

One of my best friends and I went to Cranes Roost yesterday to run 5 miles. I am not sure what I was thinking when I thought I could run five miles...

So I ended up walking most of it. I am not sure if running just isn't for me or if that is something that has to be built up to. It is a good thing that this is a 60-mile walk and not run!

I ordered an Omron Pocket Pedometer from Amazon the other night. It arrived today. Woo hoo! I can't wait to play with it!

You don't have to hook it to your belt. You can put it in your pocket or purse and it still calculates how much you walked. It comes with a USB drive that uploads all of the information to the computer. It will give me a chart of miles walked and statistics. This is pretty exciting, I love to be able to track things.

1 comment:

LaTease "Teasas Tips" said...

good luck Jen & Debby with your walk! I too am walking to raise money for a cause...although not 60 miles!! Only 13 miles, for Crohns Disease/Colitis. Lets trade links...I'm at: http://savehugeonmedications.blogspot.com