Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Aid for our Walk!

Jen and I headed to Super Target to get our first aid supplies for our walk last night. We weren't quite sure what we REALLY needed. We didn't want to purchase a bunch of extra stuff that we would have to haul in our bags for sixty miles, that we wouldn't end up using.

We ended up purchasing...

6 pairs of socks each. 2 for each day and we made sure we got the socks that will pull the sweat away from our feet.
2 trial size Johnson and Johnson first aid kits
Baby powder
New Skin
Waterproof band-aids

As I am writing this I just remembered we didn't buy a rain poncho. We also still need to purchase fanny packs and water bottles for them.

Other than that I think we are pretty much ready to go. We made sure that we have a new clean outfit for each day. I don't think the same jogging pants are going to be able to used more than one day during the walk! We fly out to Seattle a week from tomorrow!

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