Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Looking for Guest Posts

We are looking for guest posts!
We are looking for posts that are related to breast cancer. If you or a loved one has fought breast cancer and you would like to share your story please submit your post to deborah@marketleverage.com.

Have you walked the 60 mile walk or a similar walk that benefits breast cancer? Have you raised money to help breast cancer research? We would also love to hear your story!

If you would like to see your story here please submit your post to deborah@marketleverage.com .

Friday, July 25, 2008

Rained Out Again....

Jen and I were so excited about walking sixty miles on Wednesday. About 4 o'clock it started pouring and didn't end for hours. We were willing to walk in a slight drizzle. When we left to drive over to Missy's house it was still coming down in buckets so we had to cancel our plans. Hopefully we can schedule a group walk again soon.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Walking Ten Miles Today

Jen and I are meeting up with Missy Ward tonight to walk ten miles. I think this will be a good test if we are on track with the training or not.

I am guessing that it will take us around 3-3.5 hours to walk the full ten miles. Missy has ten miles mapped out for us. We will be walking well in to the darkness this evening.

I will have my pedometer on so I can see how many steps we take. It is a little more than 2,000 steps per mile. We will end up with over 20,000 steps for the night in addition to how many we accumulate during the day.

I love this new pedometer. I wear it everywhere. It love that I can put it in my purse or in my pocket and it still counts my steps. I don't have to worry about it falling off my belt.

I will post pictures and/or video tomorrow from our walk.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away!

I really enjoy going to the park and walking. Not only do I get the view of the water and generally nice weather, it is nice to have someone to walk and talk with. I seem to walk much further there than in the gym.

A good friend of mine and I planned on going to the park yesterday but it was raining again, so we went to the gym. I got on the elliptical and that machine kicked my butt! By time I went a mile, I was drenched in sweat. (I normally don't sweat!) HA!

Then I got on the treadmill and walked/ran another mile. By the time I had two miles in I was exhausted. We left and I mentioned that I like going to the park to walk because the time goes by so much faster. I feel like I got a better workout in the gym though. I wonder if walking casually five miles is any less or more beneficial than going to the gym and doing two miles and getting drenched in sweat?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

35 Miles this Week...

Jen and I receive an email weekly with the training schedule for the week. According to the schedule we should walk around 35 miles this week. I don't know if we are going to make it to 35 miles but we will try.

I uploaded my stats from my pedometer to the software that is provided to my computer this morning. That definitely gave me motivation to get out and walk more. I had one day in the last week that I walked over 10,000 steps.

I am going back to Cranes Roost park today and will probably walk between 5-6 miles. That will definitely put me over the 10,000 steps for the day. According to my training schedule I need about 70,000 steps this week! WOW!

I am not sure if I will make 70,000 or not. I am leaving for BlogHer in San Francisco on Thursday. I am sure we will do plenty of walking around the show, San Fran. and the airports. I just may have to get on the treadmill at the hotel so I can my mileage in! I don't want to show up to Seattle and be out of shape and hold the group up!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Training for the 60 Mile Walk

One of my best friends and I went to Cranes Roost yesterday to run 5 miles. I am not sure what I was thinking when I thought I could run five miles...

So I ended up walking most of it. I am not sure if running just isn't for me or if that is something that has to be built up to. It is a good thing that this is a 60-mile walk and not run!

I ordered an Omron Pocket Pedometer from Amazon the other night. It arrived today. Woo hoo! I can't wait to play with it!

You don't have to hook it to your belt. You can put it in your pocket or purse and it still calculates how much you walked. It comes with a USB drive that uploads all of the information to the computer. It will give me a chart of miles walked and statistics. This is pretty exciting, I love to be able to track things.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thank You Tyler and Nick!

Tyler Cruz and Nick Throlson were gracious enough to donate almost 4500 Entrecard credits to this blog so that we can advertise on more sites. We are still very short of our goal and would like to advertise more. With all of these credits, we will be on a quite a few blogs over the next couple of days.

As of today, I have raised $884.09 and Jen has raised $1200.00. We are required to donate a minimum of $2200.00 each.

Our team goal is $45,000.00 and as of today we have raised $25,621.09.

If you would like to donate to either one of us please click on the links below:

Debby Phillips
Jen Fluker

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Help Us Win Blogging Idol!

We entered this blog in to Blogging Idol. The blog that gains the most RSS subscribers during the month of July will win $3,000. If we win, we will donate all of the money to breast cancer research! It will help our team (Affiliate Marketers Give Back) reach our goal of $45,000.

Subscribe to our RSS feed and help us win!