Monday, August 4, 2008

How Many Steps?

I decided to publicly post how many steps I am taking with my new pedometer. That way it will motivate me to walk more because I know I am going to post them on here. I received my pedometer on July 8th.

Steps for July - 116,200
Daily Average - 4,648

Total Aerobic Steps - 16,240
Daily Average - 650

Aerobic Walking Time for the Month - 139 minutes
Daily Average - 6

Distance for the Month - 43.89 Miles
Daily Average - 1.76

Fat Burner for the Month - 198.5 grams
Daily Average - 7.9 grams

After typing out these numbers I realized they are pretty pathetic to be honest. I need to start getting up early in the morning and/or walking at night to get more steps in.

I did go camping over the weekend and didn't wear my pedometer around the campground. I am going to have to walk more to make up for those days that I don't have numbers to report with.


Anonymous said...

I wish you Goodluck !
Enjoy walks...

Anonymous said...

Hey, those numbers aren't pathetic, they are a start!!!!

What's the old saying, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step?

Keep up the good work and let us know how August goes!

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Keep it up - we're cheering you on!

Anonymous said...

You're making great progress. Just keep going!

Jen & Debby said...

Thank you for your support! I just looked at my August totals and I need to get moving! In my defense I forget to wear my pedometer sometimes! HA!