Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Raising Money for Breast Cancer at the Affiliate Summit Meet Market

The first day of Affiliate Summit they hold a "Meet Market". We rented a table to raise money for breast cancer. Someone could buy a button for $10.00 and they were entered in to a raffle for prizes that were all donated. Here are the prizes that were won.

Prizes include:

  • Ice Wine - 2004 Saw Mill Creek from
    Bin 88, Ice Wine, a Vidal from the Niagara Peninsula in Canada
  • 1 hour of consulting from Shawn Collins Consulting
  • One of a kind Sterling Silver Unisex Necklace from Tiffany Spaulding Designs, valued at $200.00
  • FREE Checks for a year from
    Winner receives free checks from any of the brands featured on for one year, up to 6 boxes.
  • An original hand made Pink Ribbon Penguin and $50 gift certificate from JGoode Designs
  • A Build Your Business Package from
    Winner receives one order of business cards, letterhead w/ envelopes, postcards and an endorsement stamp.
  • A Ribbon Of Hope Checks & Accessories Package
    Winner receives 2 boxes of checks, one set of address labels and one leather checkbook cover in our Ribbon of Hope design
  • 1 hour of phone consulting $300/hr value from Paulson Management Group.
  • One iPod Nano and an iTunes gift card from Lisa Riolo
  • 1 Free full conference pass to Affiliate Summit Vegas 2009
  • 1 Month ad placement from Revenews
  • 25 cases of Jones Soda
  • (Ten) $60.00 Gift Certificates from (to be awarded individually)
  • Video Spokes Model Certificate
I do not have the exact count of what we raised at the booth but it was over $1,000.00.
Thank you to everyone that stopped by the booth and showed your support. Thank you to CafePress for donating the buttons.

Monday, August 4, 2008

How Many Steps?

I decided to publicly post how many steps I am taking with my new pedometer. That way it will motivate me to walk more because I know I am going to post them on here. I received my pedometer on July 8th.

Steps for July - 116,200
Daily Average - 4,648

Total Aerobic Steps - 16,240
Daily Average - 650

Aerobic Walking Time for the Month - 139 minutes
Daily Average - 6

Distance for the Month - 43.89 Miles
Daily Average - 1.76

Fat Burner for the Month - 198.5 grams
Daily Average - 7.9 grams

After typing out these numbers I realized they are pretty pathetic to be honest. I need to start getting up early in the morning and/or walking at night to get more steps in.

I did go camping over the weekend and didn't wear my pedometer around the campground. I am going to have to walk more to make up for those days that I don't have numbers to report with.